Okay i steped outside yesterday and before i know it im getting DIVE bombed by 2 mocking birds that are using our grape fruit tree as a nesting tree, needless to say anyone who goes outback is sure to get bombarded back into the house EEEK. :)
Burn Baby Burn :)
Sounds like you're in for an "interesting" spring/ summer. I usually have to "remove" a few nests myself that get built in the "wrong place" (like our front porch light fixtures).
I'm not brave enoughto try to get that close to this nest i like my head in one piece, they have calmed down abit at least they let me out the back door just not much farther. :)
i have some phebes that do this to me year after year on the mountain - i'll knock the nest-in-the making down and before the day is over, they've got it built again and it wouldn't be so bad, but they put it RIGHT outside the back door so we're face to beak all day long...there's only so much i can take, even from a bird...
Maybe this was the reason why pf ducked out on tmw's barbeque?
may I suggest a bb gun
The grapefruit tree is in the back, around a corner, the grill is on the front screen porch...he went out in the boat I had sold to a neighbor, and FORGOT to tell me...
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
Update good new's no more birds, the nest had been there longer than we thought so baby's flew away and so did mom and dad woohoo.
And yes i was out on a neighbors boat and forgot to tell her :( i was lucky to get bread crumb's for dinner. :)
this is too funny - at the precise moment i linked on over here, a mockingbird came and landed on a shepherd's hook right outside the window! dang your hide!
PF went out to obediently trim the grass around the front yard island...he wisely retreated when he saw a baby mockingbird on the ground in the assigned area AND the parents just above...
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
I didn't complain!
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