And they call this just a dome collapse. Pretty neat image but rather intimidating, makes you wonder what a big eruption would look like (insert nibbling on finger nails). :) Alaskan volcano Observitory
It does look alot like a nuke just less fall out. :) Farmer ur on the raiding party to since you show up alot. :) Dont worry nanc i wont even let her post a comment if she does im deleting and going to comment mod, she's made it abundantly clear she cant keep her mouth shut.
THAT is an awesome satellite photo at the observatory - WOW! that's mom spelled upside down ya know...
Sure is :). Btw ill take a guess and say you saw your in the raiding party :).
Click Gun Wielding nanc. :)
A new post! I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. Kinda looks like a nuke... nice contrast with the foreground.
You handled yourself pretty well there, youngster. It's not everyone that can hold their own against an NYC Shyster.
just keep the bull shiite detector on at all times - that's my motto...well, one of them...
one of her dead giveaways was when she claimed to praise patrick leahy - it was a given and i could have guessed it had she never said a word...
It does look alot like a nuke just less fall out. :) Farmer ur on the raiding party to since you show up alot. :) Dont worry nanc i wont even let her post a comment if she does im deleting and going to comment mod, she's made it abundantly clear she cant keep her mouth shut.
I'm ready when uR. Just point.
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